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자주하는 질문

  • 지붕 히팅 케이블은 그만한 가치가 있습니까?
    Our mats reach a safe and efficient temperature range of 110-120°F, effectively melting snow while remaining below roof warranty temperatures. This temperature is warm enough to melt snow rapidly but not hot to the touch and are perfectly safe to install on your roof (most roofs reach higher temperatures on a hot summer day).
  • 난방 지붕이 있습니까?
    Our mats melt snow at a rate of up to 4"/hr. Since the mats heat the entire covered area, all snow will be melted and off the roof in no time! In locations with consistent heavy snowfall, it's critical to keep up in order to prevent accumulation.
  • 난방 지붕을 설치하는 가장 좋은시기는 언제입니까?
    Our mats weigh approximately 0.375 lbs/sq ft. A 10ft section of our 24" wide mat will weigh about 7.5 lbs.
  • 얼음 댐의 원인은 무엇입니까?
    Ice dams arise when the temperature of the roof surface varies. Ice dams are formed when heat loss from a house, snow cover, and outside temperatures interact. Ice dams form when there is snow on the roof and the temperature outside the roof is above 32 degrees F (freezing) while the temperature inside the roof is below 32 degrees F (freezing). These are average temperatures over a long time period. Outside temperatures must be below freezing for a part of the roof to be below freezing. Snow will melt on a roof surface that is above freezing. As water falls down the roof, it freezes when it reaches the part of the roof that is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The ice dam is the result of this.
  • 지붕에 있는 얼음 댐을 어떻게 제거합니까?
    On some rooftops, ice tends to collect near the edges. While you can and should treat the underlying source of the ice dam, you should also try to remove the ice dam that is now on the roof. Otherwise, the roof will deteriorate and you will be more likely to experience a damage. Ice dams can be temporarily removed by melting them away. Solution 1 : Use hot water: Gently running hot water over the ice blockage will melt it and allow the water to pour into the gutters. Solution 2 : Install heated roof mat: Heated mats provide 100% coverage of problem areas instead of the limited coverage of individual cable. The heating element provides a band of heat 80% of the width of the installed mat. Solution 3 : Remove snow: If warmer weather is forecast and the ice dam is expected to melt, your roofer may decide to remove the remaining snow from your roof. Otherwise, the snow may melt in the light and refreeze at the colder roof's eave, forming another ice dam. The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) suggests leaving some snow on the roof to prevent shingles from being damaged. The contractor's shovel will not scrape the roof because it will not come into direct touch with it. Only a professional can properly remove snow from a roof with a shovel, and they must use extreme caution.
  • How hot do the mats get?
    120°F Maximum. The mats maintain a 110°F - 114°F sustained temperature. Hot enough to melt the snow but cool enough to be safe for your roof!
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지붕 또는 난방 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 DIY 설치를 통한 맞춤형 난방 솔루션


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핸드폰:  (802) 430-3617  


160 Benmont Ave. 베닝턴, VT 05201

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월요일 : 오전 9시 - 오후 4시

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수요일 : 오전 9시 - 오후 4시

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